The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Mayfair House--A 3D Update

I thought it was time I provided an update on my project, a 3D model of the Mayfair house on First Street.  There are some details I've added, some obvious, some not so obvious.  This update shows only part of the first floor, and there are certainly details I've not gotten to yet.  One is that there appears to be a door or window on the end of the butler's pantry that faces the pool and patio area of the garden.

This house as it is today, and as it became in Michael Curry's restoration of the Mayfair house in The Witching Hour, is a mixture of historic structure and modern amenities.  For example, you will see in the butler's pantry a contraption that might appear at first glance to be a microwave.  Nope.  It is an espresso machine!

One thing we Pacific Northwesterners have in common with New Orleans?  COFFEE!  We are serious about our coffee here, too.  New Orleans is famous for its cuisine, among other things, and its cafe au lait and beignets at Cafe Du Monde.  If you look at preparation instructions for their coffee, which you can purchase cans of to make at home, you'll see that it includes hot milk.  Just like espresso.

In the espresso machine is a milk frother, something necessary for both espresso and cafe au lait.  So, I definitely included it, which came from a kitchen model found on 3D Warehouse.  It is, in fact, a model of an actual espresso machine!

As the house emerges in the 3D model, more details will be added gradually.  But let's keep it a surprise, shall we?  Everyone likes nice surprises, right?

The only thing I am not going to be quiet about is the wallpaper in the double parlor.  Like the most recent exhibit of the master bedroom, it is TOO @$!# PINK!  Problem is, the photos we have all seen of the real double parlor don't show color images of the room when it did have wallpaper.  The only images of that come from the 1933 photos of the room.  I'll figure this out, though.  

Because I just can't help it!

A new video showing some of the first floor updates is now available on YouTube.  The model is shown with all shadow/sun settings turned OFF, so it is very bright.  If it is too bright for your eyes, you might want to dim the screen a bit to watch the video.

If you have any suggestions for what might work for the double parlor's wallpaper, or you know of details I might have missed or details to add, please do let me know in the video's comments.  I'll do my best to make adjustments or corrections--depending on what I am able to and what mood Buckie II (La Laptop) is in.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Parlor Specials

 A little housekeeping...  This will be a very brief update.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Stella Mayfair In 3D

I've been doing a little revising and improving upon the next Mayfair Witch in 3D, Stella Mayfair.   I'm still learning how to make 3D people in the way that I want them made, and that particular pose, I thought, was perfect for a ghost one sees in a mirror.

I've made a few modifications to 3D Stella, which I hope to display very soon.  Kinda fun to make a 3D model of a Roaring Twenties flapper!

Hmmm...Stella's Art Deco treasures...

Saturday, January 20, 2024

For More on The Pink Room...

For a little more background on the model of the master bedroom and a few tidbits on the role it plays as a setting in the Lives of the Mayfair Witches series, I've included a little bit in a new addition to this page of the Parlor: Come Into My Parlor In 3D.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Pink Room: The Master Bedroom

This is REALLY pink everywhere!  Hopefully, I will soon be able to reduce the amount of pink in the master bedroom.  In the meantime, this is the first room on the second floor I've worked on.  Quite a lot of progress on the room has been made already...

Monday, January 15, 2024

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

 Throughout the Parlor, there are videos embedded on pages according to topic.  These videos are on YouTube, as well.  There are also some playlists and videos from other platforms like Vimeo and Behance.  It's pretty amazing how hard it can be to tell what the video's screen resolution, bit rate and stuff is, but many of the Parlor's videos are much larger than what you'd see on YouTube's player.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Parlor and Social Media

After careful consideration and a few incidents I have witnessed and was not impressed with, the Parlor will be reducing additional presence on social media for the time being.  Public social media, that is.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Rowan Mayfair By the Book

 Sometimes when a TV show or movie makes changes to some of the basic features of a character's physical appearance, it isn't always a bad thing.  One example is Rowan going from blond to brunette from page to screen.  It isn't one of the changes that bothered me too much when it came to Rowan's appearance.  I still wanted to show Rowan as Rowan Mayfair in the novels.  The model I found really did not need much in the way of changes, and even the sunglasses work.  Rowan had purchased some sunglasses on her trip to New Orleans to attend Deirdre's funeral, and they really do make her look glamorous, I think!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Mayfair Witches in 3D


Now that I've been able to build (for the most part) a 3D model of the Mayfair house with interiors that can be shown even while the entire house is incomplete, I'm turning more attention to...the Mayfair Witches themselves! 

Monday, January 1, 2024