The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Another Few Hours Later...

One more page done.  This one is the page 1239 First Street Sold (Archive).  It is a collection of real estate information on the Brevard-Rice house compiled from multiple sites listing the house.  I believe it's from around 2009.  There are more photos I have saved from real estate listings that I hope to add soon.

A Few Hours Later...

...a bit more progress.  The Witching Hour - The Mayfair House is up, with a hiccup or two.  There are several pictures that I'm having a hard time getting to a position that would reduce the amount of scrolling.  Maybe I should have kept the list of links to other pages on the site about the house at the top...


In the last week or so, I have managed to reconfigure this blog and either recreate and/or redesign pages from the original site.  Those can be found in the drop down menu above.  I've moved some things around, broken up some of the sections of pages into separate pages, and I'm still chasing down each and every link to make sure they work.  There are several, so I might have missed a few, but I'll find them!