The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Mayfair Witches' Garden

The flowers are chicory, which is used in CafĂ© au lait for its added taste
There are some uses for AI generated graphics, like garden graphics.  Witches and gardens are inextricably linked, and the Mayfair garden was described very thoroughly in The Witching Hour.

For many years, I've had some general images of the different flowers, plants and trees described in The Witching Hour.  The garden was based upon the actual garden of the Brevard-Rice house in New Orleans.  New Orleans is also a place where A LOT of flowers, plants and trees grow.

The fun thing here is that the AI generator I used to produce the image at the top of the screen, NightCafe, allows for the creation of these realistic flower graphics.  Its Artist Portrait preset adds a generic bust-like face that can serve as a sort of "canvas".  Using this means I can blend my own composite image of the face of the Mayfair Witches into it.

Sooo...that is what I've been doing.

Each image will have a monogram watermark I made for the Parlor with the "AI Generated" text added to it.  The idea is to make the Mayfair Witches garden survey more fun with these graphics.  I have created each graphic specifically for use on the Parlor website and social media (to an extent).

There are a lot of debates as to the authenticity and legalities behind generative AI.  Not everyone is crazy about it.  I understand that.  The Parlor is willing to create graphics with it to a certain extent, but a portion of those graphics will come from 3D and other graphics I created before AI and continue to create.

If you have any questions or concerns about generative AI and/or how the Parlor utilizes it, please feel free to email the Parlor at  The Parlor can also be reached via its Facebook page.

Above all, I hope any graphics I create for the Parlor will add to enjoyment of the site as well as to be informative.  Most of all, I hope these graphics will help to bring the Mayfair Witches and their World to the screen from the pages Anne Rice described them on.

I would loooooooooove to figure out how to make the flowers and leaves move a little!