The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tulane University Libraries Special Collections

 A very brief update: The Parlor has added a new section to the Site Resources and Bibliography page.

In the jump menu, you can go to the Tulane University Archive, where you will find resources to assist you in scheduling an appointment to research Anne Rice's complete archive.  It is housed in the Special Collections at Tulane University Libraries.  

The archive appears to be quite extensive.  For researchers into Anne Rice's life and work, this collection is an essential resource.  The Parlor has provided links to the university's site pages that provide information what can be found in the complete archive.  Also, you will find a link to the page where you may request an appointment with Special Collections to view the archive.  Email and a phone number are also provided on the pages linked and on this page of the Parlor.

I hope this will assist researchers who might wish to see this extensive archive.