The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Parlor Content & Advisories (Updated)

Please note: I have unpublished all of the pages of the Parlor on this blog to avoid duplicate content.  If you would like to explore the Parlor's pages about world of the Mayfair Witches, please go to The Mayfair Witches Parlor.  Thank you!

Please also be advised that the Parlor does have guidelines and policies regarding the use of its website, blog, social media and email.  This is not my favorite part of operating a website--having to go over them, and especially, having to post reminders and advise of new additions.

It happens, though.

To be very clear: The Mayfair Witches Parlor does not welcome unsolicited correspondence offering services of any kind.  Paid or not.  The Parlor especially does NOT welcome this sort of correspondence when it includes what is clearly an unauthorized scrape of the website's pages.

Unauthorized web scraping of the Parlor is forbidden.

Please be advised that both The Mayfair Witches Parlor's main website and this blog use Google Analytics.  On each and every page of the Parlor.  In other words, if you scrape the Parlor without my permission, I will know about it immediately.  Especially if you follow it up with unsolicited correspondence trying to sell me something, and your "analysis" of the Parlor's content contains critical errors.

Although my web host may run ads (I know, I know...), the Parlor currently does not and has not in the past, ever.  Not on the main website, not on this blog, not on any social media at any time, ever.  The Parlor is happy to provide links, for example, to online stores where Mayfair Witches and Anne Rice fans may purchase their own copies of the Lives of the Mayfair Witches novels, or other novels by Anne Rice.  Typically, those links would be to the books' individual listings on Amazon, where the most you will see from the Parlor is a Verified purchase of the Kindle editions of the novels.  

However, the Parlor no longer embeds certain content as a rule, not even from services Google owns and the Parlor has a presence on, like YouTube.  This is for the online safety and privacy of Parlor guests, and in accordance with Google policy.

If the Parlor were ever to decide to buy an ad, that would be a first for the Parlor and for me personally.  It would also be done in the most nit-pickety way possible, as I am very particular.  I am particular about who I deal with, and I monitor anything like that personally.  Large companies might rely upon AI, on algorithms, to monitor these things, but I do not.  I monitor anything at all like that personally, whether AI or an algorithm has dropped by to look on a given day or not.   

This is not a business site.  This is a site that discusses the Lives of the Mayfair Witches novel series by Anne Rice.  It is here to inform, to provide commentary, to educate, and to entertain in its endeavor to promote and preserve the literary legacy of Anne Rice's extraordinary career. 


Because it was not only her storytelling, but her incredible knack for detailed research that managed to reach a young woman who wanted and needed to know the world around her.  Anne Rice's ability to write a fictional story woven in well with history, art, science, religion, spirituality and our very humanity in the realm of the supernatural and the preternatural is something not many authors can do, but she did.  And she did it incredibly well.

This is why there is such a range of topics in the world of the Mayfair Witches on the website.  In addition, there are a wide range of photographs and other types of graphics gathered to help illustrate that world of the Mayfair Witches.  They also to help visualize the many smaller details that really are not as small as we think.

One thing I've always wanted to do was to learn how to make my own graphics.  I've no problem with fan art.  As I've been able to learn more and bring what I've been able to do via my hobby of 3D modeling using software such as SketchUp, though, I've been able to make my own graphics for the website and for...whatever interests me.  I've spent quite a bit of time learning to use different software and online generators to make my own graphics, and as I've been able to improve them, I decided the first place I wanted to use them was the Parlor.

Therefore, if I were to ever even consider any sort of advertising on the Parlor or, say, its social media, it would probably be something advertising what I use to create those graphics.  I write my own text unless otherwise specified, meaning I indicate if I am quoting or paraphrasing something from a book or a TV program or a film, for example.  But graphics are fun.  They're even better when they're made using a program that is available if Parlor guests want to take it for a whirl themselves!

The Parlor monitors its accounts personally, and does do searches and scans to monitor use of its content.  If you see a graphic I've created that is on the Parlor or its blog or social media, you're welcome to save a copy, and you're welcome to save it to your own online account as long as you credit the Parlor (if it's the Parlor's own creation, for example, the business card I made for the Talamasca as described in the novels).  

Sometimes we forget, or don't remember, and that's understandable.  I've made that mistake, too!  What is very important is that you do not credit it incorrectly or claim it is your creation when it is not.  

If you do have an online collection of images that came from a particular page of the Parlor, I ask that first, you do not scrape any page of the Parlor, and second, that you do not use the same page titles on your site or online collection or in your URL as the Parlor.  You may, however, link the page and include the page name in your description.

The elephant in the room at this point is probably the AMC series.  Well, both of them.  The Parlor has only begun to cover Interview With the Vampire and Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches, but I want to make a few things clear.  One is that I am approaching these two shows the same way I have approached the novels: as a fan.  Two is that I do know to advise that you do not approach Anne Rice's son, Christopher Rice, with questions about the shows or attempt to discuss them or Anne Rice's Immortal Universe on his social media.  In the past, he has advised people to approach AMC with any questions or concerns, but he will not be able to discuss any of it with fans.  The Parlor does have contact information for journalists to contact AMC in the Parlor guidelines.  

Anne Rice's Immortal Universe does have social media where you can approach them directly.  The page of the Parlor that discusses Immortal Universe does so as a sort of survey of some of the beautiful graphics they've made to promote Season 1 of Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches.  You can find links to their social media there.

Okay, I've been at this podium long enough.  Now, I've warned y'all this Parlor is haunted, and this ghost finds EMF readers absolutely fascinating.  Unfortunately, it seems she thought it would be funny to get a reading on some natural gas emissions in the...powder room...and it all went downhill (and down in ze toilet) from there.  And now it's scared the familiar--I mean cat...    

Giphy is FULL of funny cats!