The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mayfair Witches Season 2 Updates Page on the Parlor

It's just in its beginning stages, but now that we know Season 2 of Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches is on its way...

...the Parlor has put together the beginnings of a updates page for it.  And I do mean beginnings.

The link to the new page of the Parlor has been added to the Home page.  It can also be found in the Parlor Blue Print (site map) on the main menu.

The Parlor has had so much of its time taken up with technical stuff that it's been enough to delay really looking at everything to put together what is known up to this point.  Let's fix that.

This would also be a good time to refocus on what is sure to either be very controversial or very fascinating--depending on your point of view.  When Season 1 aired in early 2023, there seemed to be a very distinctive divide in the audience.  People either really liked it or really hated it.  One of the biggest issues for people who were critical of the series is that there was too much of a divergence from the novels.

It is a fact that The Witching Hour is a loooong novel.  Far too long for a movie, and far too long for even one season of a television series.  There is A LOT to unpack there.  The novel not only covers the personal histories of both Rowan Mayfair and Michael Curry, but also that of the entire line of the Mayfair Witches.  When that line consists of thirteen generations, that's a lot of history.

But what of the histories of the characters in the TV show?  How much of the characters' histories in the novel made it into the show?  Were the characters in the show the characters from the novel?  Did all the characters make it to the show? 



Mmmm...let's just say I can take a guess.

Is there anything that foreshadows what Season 2 might consist of?  Good question.

Why might other changes from page to screen have been made?  Hard to say, but it's an excellent question.  Adapting the page to the screen is challenging, as we all know, and looking at the ways books are adapted and why is good for discussion.

The simplest example of a change I can think of off the top of my head is the Mayfair emerald.  In the novels, it is a pendant necklace.  It is also a sort of symbolic key held by each Mayfair Witch until the thirteenth witch, the doorway, is unlocked with it.

How to show that onscreen?  How to convey that critical detail to the audience?  Make it an actual key, but one as embedded with meaning as it is with several small emeralds in a design that is actually reminiscent of a...

Well, I'll get to that a bit later.