The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Back to the Soria Creel House

I went back to take a look at the Soria Creel House page, and I realized the image sizes for the first two of the house weren't set up the way I wanted.  So I've gone in and made adjustments so you can look at the detail of the house during filming of the series.

I believe the images might be from TikTok users, but the image files are LARGE.

Here, I thought I'd show one from of the front hallway of the Soria Creel house, looking at the front door.  Aaaaand it looks a lot like the floor by my front door, except here it's dogs instead of familiars--I mean cats.

The front hallway of the house looking at the front door...and the hosts...

Most of the images on the website are either shown at full size, or they are in a gallery that shows in neat little rows.  Not all of them have a larger size available, but for the ones that do, I like to provide the option to open the image at full size.  Provided that full size is not enormous.  In which case, I will scale it down a bit so it doesn't take its sweet time to load and open.

I try to be sure to indicate when an image also functions as a link to another page in the site or a page on a different website.  This is most common with the images of Anne Rice's books, which link to the purchase page for that specific book on  Like this:

The Witching Hour
Click Image to Purchase on

The two images of the Soria Creel house that show it during filming are an exception to the rule of no enormous image files.  The reason for this is so that you can open the image and see the house in a lot more detail.  The full size will open in the same tab, so once you have finished looking, you can use your browser's Back button to return to the Soria Creel House page.