The Files on the Mayfair Witches Parlor Blog

Saturday, June 3, 2023

WGA Strike

Now, I might have mentioned earlier that it's my understanding a writers' strike began in Hollywood in early May of this year.  Now, I'm familiar with the concept of a union as plenty of my family have been members of unions that did, at times, go on strike.  My grandfather was a millwright, and I have cousins who worked for Fred Meyer, which, like other stores in the Pacific Northwest, also have employees who are members of worker's unions.  

If you are from the Pacific Northwest or have lived here at any point, you have most likely heard of this store.  I've known this store chain my whole life, because my family and I have shopped there the whole time.  Fred Meyer can also be blamed--I mean thanked--for helping to begin my fascination with the Mayfair Witches and the work of Anne Rice.   By having in their paperback section two of the three books in the Lives of the Mayfair Witches for me to buy.

However, to my knowledge, recent generations of my family who were members of workers' unions did not include Hollywood, which means I'm far more out of my wheelhouse than usual on the topic of union strikes in the film industry.  Therefore, anything I can learn about the impact of the strike on the Mayfair Witches series or even the Interview With the Vampire series will come from resources already available to the public.  So, I'll do my best.

Interview With the Vampire and the Mayfair Witches series, I understand, are not necessarily impacted by the strike in one particular way.  Although Season 2 of Mayfair Witches has not yet begun filming (as far as I know), the scripts for it were completed before the strike began.  Season 2 of Interview With the Vampire is also not impacted by the writers' strike, as far as I have been able to find out.  Does the strike delay filming at all?  I don't know, to be perfectly honest.

Forbes published an article on May 4, 2023 that gave a list of shows that would and would not be affected by the strike that they had been able to find out at that time: The Shows The Writer’s Strike Will And Won’t Delay, That We Know About

However, it's always best to go straight to the source, so I'd like to provide here a link to this Twitter feed: Writers Guild of America West @WGAWest.

The Parlor is on Twitter @mayfairparlor, and has retweeted yesterday's update from WGA.  The tweet includes a link to a YouTube video giving an update on where WGA is in negotiations.  I have also embedded it here:


If you look at WGA's Twitter feed, updates include links to articles in The Hollywood Reporter, among others.

To find out more about the impact of the strike on AMC's current projects, AMC also has a Twitter feed and is on Facebook

Speaking of, the Parlor actually is on Facebook.  It is just beginning to actually function, but I'd like to see it doing a lot more.  So, I am in the process of making sure it can do what I'd like it to do, which is...I'm figuring it out...

Facebook might just be a way to interact with the Parlor more directly.  There does seem to be interest, so I'll keep puzzling it out.  In the meantime, if you need to contact me regarding the website or the Parlor on social media (including YouTube), email me directly at